Coup de Foudre
Adrinette Zine
Optronic Systems Engineer Level III

Coup de Foudre
Adrinette Zine
Coup de Foudre: Adrinette Zine
is a scrapbook-themed Miraculous Ladybug fanbook, focused on the Adrinette side of the Love Square. Imagine Adrien compiling a scrapbook for Marinette, featuring their most important memories: from stories and anecdotes to photos and collages, from pre- to post-reveal. This would be it!
This fanbook is slated for release in late 2022 and will include 60 - 70 pages of fic and art.This is a nonprofit project, and all proceeds will be donated to charity.

Coup de Foudre
Adrinette Zine
Jan 15 - Feb 05 - Interest Check
Feb 14 - Contributor Apps Open
Mar 14 - Contributor Apps Close
Apr 01 - Results Sent Out
May 15 - First Check-In
Jun 30 - Second Check-In
Aug 15 - Final Submissions
Oct 15 - Preorders Open
Nov 30 - Preorders Close
Early 2023 - Shipping

Coup de Foudre
Adrinette Zine
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the theme of this project?
Coup de Foudre is a scrapbook-themed Miraculous Ladybug fanbook, focused on the Adrinette side of the Love Square. Imagine Adrien compiling a scrapbook for Marinette, featuring their most important memories: from stories and anecdotes to photos and collages, from pre- to post-reveal. This would be it!Will AUs be allowed?
We love AUs, but for this specific project, we'll be asking for pieces set in the canon ML universe.Is this a for-profit or charity project?
This is a nonprofit project, and all proceeds will be donated to charity.How are contributors compensated?
All contributors will receive a digital PDF. Should sales goals be met, contributors willing to pay for shipping will receive a free print copy and will have a chance to buy any merch at production cost.How many contributors are you accepting?
We plan to accept 20-25 artists and 5-6 writers.Is there a minimum age for participants?
You must be 13, the minimum age to have a Discord account.How will contributors be selected?
Four members of our mod team will review and rate each application. Writer's applications will be reviewed blindly, meaning our mods will not know the names of the applicants. Artist's applications' reviews will be based on the art samples and (optional) portfolio provided.If I’m accepted as a contributor, will I be able to choose the time frame of my piece (pre-reveal, post reveal pre-relationship, etc.)?
We will be deciding the rough chronology of our zine based on the interest check. Participants will be asked to choose two relationship stages that they would prefer to draw or write for at the time of their applications. Once accepted, participants will choose a relationship stage on a first-come-first-serve basis and provide 2-3 ideas for that stage, from which the mods will approve one.What is the workload?
Artists will be asked to create one single or double-page illustration. Writers will be asked to create a short zine-length fic (2.5k). Merch artists will be asked to design one piece of merchandise.
We ask that contributors check the zine schedule in advance so that they can submit check-ins and final pieces on time. Any pieces that are missing at the end of the creation period will be cut from the final zine.Is traditional artwork allowed?
Of course! We only ask that the piece be coloured and sized according to our templates.Where will this project be shipping from?
The project will ship from the USA. Buyers will pay for shipping at the time of purchase. Due to VAT restrictions, we will not be shipping merchandise to the UK – only zines.Who are the mods and what is their experience?
Be sure to check out our Mod section.

Coup de Foudre
Adrinette Zine
Contributor Application Guidelines
For Artists:
✧ You will be asked to submit three pieces of your art, preferably in the style you’re planning to use for the zine.
✧ Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified without notice.
✧ At least one of your examples must be a Miraculous Ladybug fanart. The piece does not have to be focused on the Love Square.
✧ At least one of your examples must be fully rendered with a background.
✧ Traditional art is allowed.For Writers:
✧ You will be asked to submit three pieces, preferably Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction.
✧ Links MUST work or the application will be disqualified without notice.
✧ The submitted pieces can be excerpts from longer works, but we will be prioritizing writers who can write within our word counts.
✧ Please send pieces of work that best represent your current style of writing.

Coup de Foudre
Adrinette Zine